Terms Of Use

Please note that by accessing “Jamila” website, you agree to be bound by its terms and conditions of use, as well as all applicable laws and regulations in this regard, and you undertake to comply with all relevant local laws. If you do not agree, you are not entitled to access the site or benefit from the materials available on it. This is because these materials are protected by copyright and trademark laws.

Permit Of Use

a. You are allowed – on a temporary basis – to download only one copy of the materials published through the “Jamila” website (information, software, etc.), provided that this is for viewing only, for a specified period, and for personal, non-commercial purposes.

Whereas, this is a permission to use, not a transfer of title; Accordingly, you are prohibited from engaging in the following practices:

  • Modify or copy materials posted on the site.
  • Use this material for any commercial purpose, or make it available to the general public without prior permission or authorization (whether or not it is for commercial purposes).
  • Attempting to decrypt any of the applications available through the โ€œJamilaโ€ website, or apply reverse engineering to it (by discovering the technical principles of the applications by analyzing their software structure).
  • Delete any of the symbols included in the site materials, as they are protected by intellectual property laws.
  • Transfer Site Materials to any other person, or make available an exact copy of such Materials.
B. The authorization to use is automatically terminated if any of the conditions specified above are violated. In the event of the termination of this permit, which requires and entails the prohibition of viewing the materials available through Jamila, the materials that you previously obtained by downloading from the site, whether these materials are electronic or printed, must be destroyed.


The materials published on the โ€œJamilaโ€ website are available โ€œas is.โ€ The website makes no warranties, express or implied, and accordingly, hereby disclaims any warranties; Including, but not limited to, warranties of marketing or promotion, permissions to use the Site’s materials for any purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property, and other legal violations, and violations of established rights. Also, โ€œJamilaโ€ is not responsible for any representations or warranties related to the accuracy of the materials published on the site, or the expected results from their use, or the reliability of their use. Whether such material is posted on JAMILA or on websites linked to it.

Limitation Of Liability

Please note that in no event will Jamila, or any of its suppliers, be liable for any damages or damages (including, but not limited to, data corruption, loss of profits, or interruption of service) or other Failures and damages resulting from the use of the materials available through the site or the inability to use them, even if the site management – or its representative – has been informed of the possibility of such damages by verbal or written notification. However, because some jurisdictions are required to enforce implied warranties of consequential or incidental damages, the foregoing limitations may not apply to you.

Errors And Revisions

The materials on Jamila’s website may contain technical, typographical, or photographic errors; Therefore, the Site does not warrant that all materials posted on it are accurate, complete, or up-to-date. The site administrators may make changes to its content at any time without notice.


Since not all websites linked to the “Jamila” website have been reviewed, the site is not responsible for the content of such websites. Accordingly, posting a link to any of these sites on the pages of “Jamila” does not mean that the site management approves of the content of the linked site. This means that when the user opens these sites, he does so at his own risk.

Website Terms Of Use

Those in charge of the “Jamila” website have the right to amend the terms of use of the site whenever the need arises, without prior notice. Hence, entering the site by the user is in itself an acknowledgment of acceptance of the updates to the terms of use.

Applicable Law

Let it be known that any lawsuit related to the โ€œJamilaโ€ website will be decided by Egyptian law, regardless of what may be a conflict or contradiction with any other law.

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